Architectural / Construction Area

-Accurate restoration of the building.
-Upgrading operations: improvement and/or changing urban use, transforming non-used installation roofs into useful terraces, converting low profitable commercial businesses into car parking facilities...
-Complete building refurbishment.
-Management of commercial advertising placed in the property to generate benefits.

The complexity inherent in the renovation management requires great doses of effort, clear criteria and strong professionalism in order to accomplish our goals.

Added Value

Working with seriousness and professionalism is a guarantee of success. Working with foresight is essential. Our activity not only consists in executing some restoration works or vacating a building. It also consists in studying case by case in order to create the best project and the optimal plan to achieve our goal and maximize profitability. The proposed actions can be either implemented directly or stay as future options.
Being rigorous professionals and taking care of everything, even the smallest detail, is basic to guarantee the solidity and seriousness of the proposal. Anticipating any possible consequence and keeping a global future sight is necessary to advance with security.
Complete management in building rehabilitation: working from all possible angles to minimize the risk – prevention of problems- and maximize the investment – providing solutions since the very first moment..

In all areas of the contemporary society, flexibility is essential. Nowadays, the networks of knowledge are becoming a key issue to develop societies. Flexibility is one of the main features of these networks. Complex situations may require flexible solutions.
All the process must be carried out with the maximum agility.
The more we can fulfill the customer needs, the better the result. As the project evolves, these former needs will become more complex while the customer expectations go into the proper direction.
Versatility is essential. All the people involved in the project process must be capable to DO, CREATE AND IMAGE. For real and specific projects we will work with reliable experts in each field.

Another characteristic of the rehabilitation management and its complexity is that it requires the significant integration of different aspects. The legal, technical, economic aspects are intimately related, but, above all, there is the taxation aspect. This feature is intrinsic in all kinds of renovation projects, from low cost operations to large developments, fact that emphasizes its particularity.