Because building restoration is future, because we love our work, and because we know how to do it!.
Safety and flexibility.
Safety results through control of Time - Cost - Quality of the projects. We endorse more than 150 projects.
Security in the rigor and professionalism of highly qualified personnel.
Flexibility in adapting to customer needs.
Experience and transparency
Experience through a long rehabilitation trajectory.
Experience with a deep knowledge of promoter activity and wealth management.
Control methods and information management completely transparent to the client.
We are experts in adding value to the property:
- Generating new perspectives
- Suggesting the best operations to improve the building efficiency.
- Analyzing the right investments and the best terms of payment.
- Adapting the solutions to current regulations.
- Analyzing the most competitive tools to add value (agreements with tenants, financial resources, etc.)
- Building analysis at different levels: urban planning, regulations, level of occupancy, construction state and tax situation.
- Definition of the project.
- Execution of the construction works.
- Planning the project completed.
- Planning the work.
- Setting targets for controlling and monitoring its performance.
- Feasibility Studies Project: determining the cost of the work.
- Determination of the agents involved, licitation and contracting them.
- Tender for the Work and Contract Adjudication of it.
- Economic supervision.
- Partial and final settlements of the Work.
- Adapt to the objectives of the Project client.
- Analysis of construction processes and materials used.
- Coordination of Quality Control laboratories hired for the purpose.
- Commissioning of the building: Opening licensing procedure, contracting services ...
- Delivery & After Sales
Basic Management Tools
- Monitoring reports.
- Proceedings of company
- Documents agreed with the client for the purposes of control.